Holyrood, NL Canada • N 47°23.233 W 53°07.666About T.N.Y.C.
We are a volunteer-run club with a membership of over 70 sail and power boats. Click here to learn more about what makes TNYC unique.
Our Facilities
TNYC is located in the Holyrood marina, with a full range of modern amenities. Click here to learn more about what we have to offer.
Member Resources
Current and prospective members can access our By-Laws, policies, and other documents by clicking here.
Come Aboard!
Interested in joining TNYC? Click here to read about our membership process, fees, and how to apply to join.
100% volunteer-operated, by and for our members.
Weather & Tides
Real-time wind and weather information for Holyrood Bay is available from SmartAtlantic project, featuring weather stations dockside and at the entrance to Holyrood bay.
Land-based and marine forecasts are available from the following sources:
Tide charts for Holyrood are available from Fisheries and Oceans Canada:
Come Aboard!
Click here to learn more about joining Terra Nova Yacht Club.